Practical Handbook of Machinery Lubrication

Robert Scott, Jim Fitch, Lloyd Leugner

Become the lubrication expert in your company.
There's a good reason The Practical Handbook for Machinery Lubrication is our all-time best-selling book. It's packed with useful, actionable information that you'll put to use right away. It answers the tough questions and is written so that anyone can understand it. Once you start reading this book, you probably won't stop until you finish it. It is that easy to read.

You'll find understandable explanations of how lubricants work, what they're made of and how they break-down. You'll learn best practices for oil change intervals, filtration selection. lubricant selection and more.

Ever wondered about after market additives and supplemental oil conditioners?
Perhaps your co-workers and friends have tried to convince you to put them in problem equipment or even your vehicle.

There are hundreds of chemical additives and supplemental lubricant conditioners available today. Some people think that the claims made by these companies are unbelievable, but in certain specialized applications or industries, these additives could have a definite place in the improvement of lubrication.

In The Practical Handbook of Machinery Lubrication you'll learn four hard-fast rules to go by when determining if an after-market additive is right for your application. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, if you follow these four rules, you can make the right decision. Making the right choice saves your company money and establishes you as the lubrication go-to person.

You will also find a checklist of fourteen items you should consider for any lubricated or hydraulic system.

Trying to get longer life out of lubricants or thinking about extending oil drain intervals?
Be careful. You could save you're company big money, OR you could end up the scapegoat if problems arise. But, if you know the conditions which cause oils to degrade and fail, you can avoid the embarrassment and give a clear reason why you will or won't extend oil drains.

Plus, you'll learn the five destructive conditions that could destroy your oil - even if you are using a "super lubricant".

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