2nd Class B1 Textbook Prime Movers

ISBN/PUB: 9781772511154
Pub Date: Edition 2.5

2nd Class B1 Textbook Prime Movers

To purchase all 6 textbooks and the Academic Supplement click this link

The PE 2nd Class Textbook Edition 2.5 is sold as six separate volumes.  These learning materials were designed to directly address the March 2015 SOPEEC Canadian syllabus for 2nd Class Power Engineering certification.  Each volume includes a 6 month access to Online resources, including learning media and computer graded Self Assessments specific to the content.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Academic Supplement Publication (Containing Steam Tables, Refrigeration Tables, and Handbook of Formulae and Constants) is no longer included with PE 2nd Class Textbook purchases.

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Price $388.00

2nd Class B1 Textbook Prime Movers

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